Zen Efficiency Training is for you if you see have one of the following problems:

It’s hard to focus.
You’re grasping at a lot of things, the constant switching leads to everything standing still.

Laziness is paralyzing.
You do everything because you have to, not because you want to. You get discouraged and sometimes you want to bury your head in the sand.

Not following through
You easily get excited about a new idea, but rarely follow through to a meaningful result.

Self-organization problems
You have no system in your work and time planning. As a result, you get very little done.

Uncertainty and fear
You are afraid to take on something serious, you feel insecure about your abilities.
It is probably familiar to many people to run several businesses in parallel, as an advertising specialist and to teach at a university. I have a catastrophic shortage of time. There is little sleep, and deadlines are constantly burning.
I understand that I cannot do without some kind of management system for my affairs and my time. This was followed by a long search and try different methods and programs. In the end, after several attempts, I successfully implemented in my work methods of GTD by David Allen. Later this method was supplemented by a system of Agile Results by J.D. Meyer and The Pomodoro by Francesco Cirillo.
The result was a simple and elegant system of task management based on its values, which gets rid of stress, easily gets you into a state of flux, and significantly increases efficiency. Against the background of properly built motivation, the method is easily incorporated into regular practice and is not time-consuming. Like any good time-management system, its implementation requires attention, a change in habits and a few weeks of daily practice.
Now I’m ready to offer it to you and help you master it in the form of Zen- Efficiency Training!

What will I get out of the training?
The purpose of the training “Zen-efficiency” is to noticeably increase your efficiency and get rid of stress. Introduce a case management system into your work. Increase self-control, focus skills and interest in current tasks.
Along the way you will get a number of other intermediate results:
The work has become more interesting
There are new meanings in your usual tasks and responsibilities. A fresh look and work in the system, quickly brings fruits in the form of excellent results!
Have you forgotten What laziness is
Now you know how to use self-motivation tools. Your desires and goals will become something that will inspire you every day to new achievements!
You have a clear vision of the situation
Decisions are clear, actions are meaningful, intuition is engaged. Consciousness is calm, like a martial artist.
Head clear, the mind is clear
You don’t have to keep your commitments in your head anymore. Everything is in the system. Only the task at hand is in your head.
You know WHY
you’re doing it now, tomorrow, and where you’ll be in a few years. You have clear goals, mission, and self-determination.
With each passing day is getting better
your technique, your self-awareness, your awareness. Your energy grows and you have an appetite for new ideas. As a consequence, your whole life changes.
Why it’s worth taking this training
- The simplicity of the techniques and exercises. Everything is clear and step by step.
- The inevitable effect. Your new actions quickly lead to new results.
- Sustainable results. The new way of thinking works for many years.
- A sense of elbow. Developing in good company is easier and faster.
- You’ll never achieve this effect on your own!
How will the Zen Effectiveness training work?

~ Classes take place online over five weeks. The course consists of video lessons and weekly webinars for feedback (25 lessons total +3 bonus lessons for honors students). The webinars are held on Sundays and will be available in a recording afterwards. A new video lesson is posted in the morning at 3:00 (MSK). Lesson duration: 25-45 minutes.
~ You get a block of theory and practical assignments in the class. There are permanent assignments and one-time assignments. You will have 20 to 60 minutes every day to complete the tasks.
~ On a number of tasks you will report, in case you have a package with feedback, you will definitely be given feedback from the supervisors or from the coach. You will receive specific advice on solving your specific problems.
~ All training participants will be members of a closed community for communication and support. Together we will reach our goals easier!
~ All materials will be available to you in recordings during the training (+2 weeks after the training for the ECONOMY package, 4 and 8 weeks for GOLD and PLATINUM respectively). You can view them at any convenient time in video format.
What will be in the training?
The Zen Effectiveness training includes 25 lessons (+3 bonus lessons for honors students) in which we will implement the following steps:
Long-Term Motivation
Working just because you have to is hard and inefficient. Much better works the principle of “I want! I will!”. We will create two bright poles for our motivation: negative and positive. This will be a powerful source of your energy, on which you will be able to move mountains. And most importantly, the process of getting things done will bring you joy!
Smart Time Management
The core of the training is an elaborate system of time management, which you will understand in detail and implement in your daily practice. Thanks to this you will put your affairs and projects in order. You will learn how to work in a variety of conditions, to plan things within a day, a week and a month. You will also be able to develop the skill of a global review of your own actions over a horizon of 5-10 years or more.
Effective tools
You will learn how to work with software products that will make your work much easier. These are the case management system, calendars and information storage system. The set of software is chosen so that you can get used to it in a very short period of time. It includes everything you need and does not require any additional investments.
In-depth Focus
Attention deficit is a serious problem for modern man. We will learn to focus on the process at hand. You will get rid of the habit of constant distraction. All of our activities will be fixed in our system, with only the current task in mind. This approach eliminates stress and immerses you in a state of flow, allowing you to work several times more productively and feel a state of happiness at the same time!
The art of getting results
A deliberate look at yourself and your work, brings greater results with less time. We will learn how to track and eliminate weaknesses in our practice. Development of the skill of self-analysis, allows us to overcome obstacles and take the tops that previously seemed to us unattainable.
And also during the training

Participation options
- Participate in the training 25 lessons online for 5 weeks
- A closed area for your homework reports and communication with participants
- Q&A support
- Recording of the webinar “How to Organize Yourself and Increase Your Income. 12 Self-Organization Solutions.”
- Record of the webinar “The Secrets of Delegation
- Record of the intensive “Time Management. How to create a system of wishes fulfillment
- Checking homework with feedback from the coach
- Notes in the mainmap of each day of training
- How to rest effectively.
- Review by the coach of all your reportsr
- Participation in the training 25 lessons online for 5 weeks
- 4 weeks of additional access to recordings after the finals
- A closed area for your homework reports and communication with participants
- Q&A support
- Recording the webinar “How to Organize Yourself and Increase Your Income. 12 Self-Organization Solutions.”
- Record of the webinar “The Secrets of Delegation
- Record of the intensive “Time Management. How to create a system of wishes fulfillment
- Checking homework with feedback from the curator
- Notes in the mainmap of each day of training?
- How to relax effectively.
- Participation in the training 25 lessons online for 5 weeks
- 2 weeks of additional access to recordings after the finals
- A closed area for your homework reports and communication with participants
- Q&A support
- Recording the webinar “How to Organize Yourself and Increase Your Income. 12 self-management solutions”
Full Guarantee
I am confident in the quality of my courses. I give a 100% money back guarantee on all my products!
If you find yourself unsatisfied with anything, let me know within 7 days of the event.
I will give you your money back, no questions asked!
Results guarantee. If after 6 months of training and completing all tasks,
you will come to the conclusion that the training did not pay off and remain dissatisfied, I will also pay you back the full amount for the training.